วันจันทร์ที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Specialized tourism

Specialized tourism is an all-encompassing term for people who have the same interested that refers to festivals , events, themes parks, cultural venues, fairs and museums that help define the social fabric of a community , city , state , or region.

cultural tourism is that form of tourism whose object is, among other aims to their maintenance and protection demand of the human community because of the society -cultural and economic .

Performers dance at the opening ceremony of the Mazu Cultural Tourism Festival in south China’s Macao .

Heritage tourism is cultural heritage tourism as traveling to experience the places, artifacts and activities that authentically represent the stories and people of the past and present.

Cultural Heritage Tourism in Washington DC.

Rural tourism is defined to allows visitors access to people and places outside of city environments. Options include hiking and biking, visiting community museums and buying locally produced crafts. Rural tourism is best enjoyed and slowly.
Rural tourism in the ranch mavidahue .

Cycle tourism is generally means self-contained cycling trips over long distances, which prioritize pleasure, adventure and autonomy rather than sport, commuting or exercise.
Cycle holidays in Cattolica

Regional tourism is a tourism activity which focuses attention in that particular region .
The Tibet Autonomous Regional Tourism Bureau .

Educational tourism is one of the fastest growing areas of the travel and tourism and one that is too often overlooked by tourism professionals and marketers .
Educational tourism is the main part of business .

Travelling for health is the potential for medical tourism .
Health and travelling to Amsterdam.
Environmental tourism is travel to unique places of environmental interest around the world. Popular environmental tourist spots. 
Environmental Tourism in Costa Rica.

The cruise experience  is travelling the long way by ship and the cruise has many fun  activities .
The Holy ship rave cruise experience .

Festival events tourism is covers attendance at traditional or contemporary celebrations of culture, which can include music, dancing, gastronomy, arts and sports.

Thailand Tourism Festival 2012 in Nonthaburi .

Seniors tourism is predicted to be a major force in the 21 st century as populations age while seniors are as diverse as any other demographic sector.
Seniors Travel- from blue rinse to blue skies.

Wine and food tourism  lifestyle are the articulation of culture , the way people live , work and play Wine and food have become one of the best ways to get to.
Local wine and food in Australia .


วันอังคารที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2556

Tourism trend in 2025 Beyond

Global mega trends such as urbanization and economic and technological development are changing the demographics and financial outlook in Asia-Pacific, and will shape the region's buildings sector. The trends examined are, broadly, building construction, and energy crisis and carbon emission. In the long term, these will create opportunities such as buildings sector development and green buildings, eco cities, eco resorts, prefabrication .

The increasing pace of urbanization will lead to the integration of the core city center with suburbs and daughter cities, resulting in expanding city limits. This will have a massive impact on the future of mobility, work life, and societies. By 2025, X billion people are expected to be living in urban areas in the Asia-Pacific region and development of network cities and mega cities .The development of eco cities is already taking place in Asia-Pacific, with the revolution of several eco-city models such as renewable-energy cities, carbon-neutral cities, garden cities, resource-efficient cities, self-sufficient cities, and smart cities. The future of such development will continue to focus on three core themes, which are lifecycle sustainability, environmental sustainability, and performance sustainability. This open doors to opportunities for the building technologies market, whereby the technologies and services will focus on the deployment of information technology, renewable energy, green materials, and energy efficiency.

Asia will remain the second-largest destination for tourists in 2025. Nonetheless, this region will register the highest growth in international tourist arrivals, sparking the boom of the tourism industry. With the unprecedented progress in green technologies in buildings, owners in the tourism industry are becoming environment friendly. Green building applications, energy efficiency, and environmental sustainability are fast becoming themes fused into the business plans of hotels and resorts. There are a significant number of eco resorts in Asia-Pacific, especially Australia, and scattered locations across the region.